Office of the Mayor
A note from Mayor Jim Ullman
As Mayor of the Village of Beverly and on behalf of the Village Council, I welcome you to our website. We hope you find this site informative while providing a good overview of municipal services and activities.
The Village of Beverly is a little town in Ohio, population of 1,233, located on the Muskingum River between McConnelsville and Marietta on State Route 60. We are proud to have the finest schools, a public library, a historical museum, parks and playgrounds, a senior citizens center, unique businesses, community minded organizations, and a safe place to be.
Please feel free to contact our Village office during business hours, 8:30 AM-5:00 PM, Monday through Thursday and Fridays by appointment only.
Please come see our “Small Town with a Big Heart” soon and visit our local businesses and beautiful neighborhoods.
Jim Ullman, Village of Beverly Mayor
State of the Village
January 10, 2024
2023 was an election year for our Village. Two seats of Council, two from the Board of Public Affairs, and the mayor were on the ballet. All incumbents ran for their positions unopposed and were elected for another four years of service to Beverly.
The .25% (1/4%) income tax increase passed in the 2022 November ballet allowed the Village end the year financially sound. This would not have happened without the income tax increase.
At the beginning of the year, council and I established 8 goals for 2023. Here are the goals and how we ended 2023 towards completing them.
Carl to a class ll Wastewater Operator. (Not completed)
Chris or Devon to a class l Wastewater Operator. (Not Completed)
Be able to pass the E-Coli requirements at our wastewater plant. (Completed)
Offer alternate payment system to the public for water/sewer, fines, permits, and park rentals. (Will be completed in February)
Adopt a disaster plan for our Village. (Completed)
Take steps to complete the Ferry Street Project. (Tied to Appalachian County Grant)
Replace Dodge Charger Police Cruiser with possible grant. (On order, to be received in January 2024)
Replace tool truck. (On order, to be received in March 2024)
Beverly received a Federal Recreation Economy for Rural Communities grant. This was one of 25 grants awarded throughout the United States which brought in support from the Federal and State Governments. These representatives met with between sixty and seventy residents from the Beverly/Waterford communities this past March. There we talked about what we would like to see in our area and maybe see how we could further a plan for a multi-use trail along the river.
At the end of the workshop, this group of people not only developed a plan for the trail, they also developed one for the Beverly Island, and one for a downtown revitalization of 5th Street between Ohio St and McIntosh St. This group of citizens have stayed active throughout 2023 an organized a standing committee named BW Gro. This committee is responsible for organizing an island clean-up day, creating a path around the 11-acre island, lighting up Beverly during Christmas, and making plans for lighting the Beverly entrance signs.
We welcome two new businesses to Beverly during 2023, Ace of Heart Designs, at 505 5th St. and Belpre Animal Clinic’s Beverly Satellite clinic at 127, 3rd Street,
Important legislation passed during 2023:
Established the Village of Beverly Disaster Plan
Entered into an agreement with Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA)
Entered into an agreement with IBI Group to design a new water storage tank and water treatment plant.
Purchase property on 3rd Street for the construction of a water treatment plant
Major projects completed during 2023:
Power upgrade to water wells 5 and 6, (Soft Start)
Lined sections of sewer main and manholes to help prevent roots and water infiltration.
Water booster station on Ferry hill
Milled and paved sections of Village streets. Used millings on highly traveled alleys.
Opened walking path around Beverly Island
Cemetery Streets were named and street signs placed in the Beverly Cemetery
Beverly Volunteer Fire Department ladder two was purchased and placed in service.
History in Your Own Backyard video was made about the Beverly/Waterford area
Some notable statistics for 2023:
The Beverly Police Department was dispatched to 1,017 calls to service during 2023, compared to 773 calls for 2022.
The Beverly Fire Department responded to 87 incidents during 2023, which was down from 76 in 2022.
28 building permits, compared to 27 in 2022
23 Park Rentals, up from 17 in 2022
73 pool passes were sold for the 2023 pool season
43 swimming pool parties, up from 34, in 2022
Enrolled 170 in swim lessons, compared to 191 in 2022
On behalf of the Village of Beverly, a special thank you goes to the residents of our community who make up the Beverly Waterford Community Pool committee. These residents work tirelessly year-round to fund the operation of the pool. Without them there would not be any community pool, nor would there be local options to teach our children to swim. We ask the community to continue to support their efforts which will keep our pool open for years to come.
None of this would have been done without those from our Village Council members, Derrick Huck, President, Jay Arnold, Abby Spung, Rollin “Bud” Hopkins, Edgar “Pete” Kegley, Josh Holland and Solicitor Tom Webster. Our Board of Public Affairs members, Stacey Brooks President, Rodney “Boo” Strahler, and Jason Lipot. My thanks also to our Village employees who are on the front lines to make things happen, Pam Jackson, Fiscal Officer, Karla Lewis, Water and Sewer Clerk, Stephanie Campbell, our Income Tax Clerk, our Beverly police Chief Todd Bumbalough, Lieutenant Brad Oliver, and Detective Aaron Perine. Our Water, Wastewater and Service Department, Chris McKim, Supervisor of Services, and water operator, Carl McKim, waste water operator, Devon Gibson, mechanic, and Sam Brooker, who has agreed to help us part time with his waste water license. This team, which has been put together, has help us achieve many goals, complete numerous projects, and advance our Village into 2024 and beyond.
Submitted by Jim Ullman Mayor
Village of Beverly