Contact The Village of Beverly, Ohio Office
Office Address
919 Mitchell Ave.
Beverly, Ohio 45715
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Phone: (740) 984-2694
Water & Sewer Department: (740) 984-2694 Ext: 4
Police Department Phone: (740) 984-2611
Police Department Fax: (740) 984-0780
Fire Department Emergency: (740) 984-2525
Fire Department Non-Emergency: (740) 984-2252
Beverly/Waterford Rescue Squad Emergency: (740) 984-4545
Beverly/Waterford Rescue Squad Non-Emergency: (740) 984-8783
Email: info@beverly-oh.com
Have a general comment, question or concern? Complete the form below and your message will be delivered to the appropriate contact.
Staff Listing
If you wish to speak with one of the staff members listed below, please call the office during normal business hours.
Jim Ullman
Stephanie Campbell
Fiscal Officer
Chris McKim
Village Administrator
Emily Lockhart
Water & Sewer/Mayor’s Court Clerk
Matt Rummer
Police Officer